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Extrahepatic RNA Delivery

RNA-based therapeutics and vaccines are currently one of the most promising fields in medical research. However, effective and robust nucleic acid delivery remains the key rate-limiting step for unlocking their full potential. Our xPhore™ technology is a highly versatile platform that allows for the safe and efficient delivery of nucleic acids into cells, notably into non-liver tissues, using systemic or local administration.

Current Challenges with RNA Delivery

There exist various carriers for delivering nucleic acids into cells, such as viral-based vectors, lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), and ligand conjugates. Although each of these technologies exhibits promising features, various challenges remain, e.g. with the amounts of RNA that are actually released within cells, the ability to deliver into cells outside the liver, limited stability, potential side effects due to use of certain excipients, or special logistic requirements (in particular storage and shipping temperature).  

Our Solution

Altamira Therapeutics is developing xPhore™ as a versatile platform for delivery of various types of nucleic acid payloads into extrahepatic tissues, using systemic or local administration:

  • OligoPhore™ is our platform to deliver siRNA (small interfering ribonucleic acid).  
    siRNA is one type of oligonucleotide which can be used therapeutically to silence disease-related genes in a specific manner.
  • SemaPhore™ is our platform to deliver mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid).
    mRNA can be used therapeutically to produce specific proteins to replace abnormal or deficient proteins or make proteins to fight or prevent disease.
  • CycloPhore™ is our platform to deliver circRNA (circular ribonucleic acid).
    circRNA is a single stranded RNA with covalently linked ends; the absence of free ends makes this RNA very resistant to degradation by nucleases. circRNAs can perform various functions including protein production and gene expression regulation.

xPhore™ is based on a proprietary 21 amino acid peptide that rapidly condenses peptide and nucleotide components into a nanoparticle. The nanoparticle has a size, charge, and other physical features that allow it to escape hepatic clearance and thus to reach extrahepatic tissues. It readily escapes the leaky vasculature of various pathologic tissues and is taken up avidly by cells that are capable of macropinocytosis (“cell drinking”), such as cancer cells or macrophages. In addition, xPhore™ nanoparticles have also been shown to deliver to endothelium, smooth muscle, and other cell types.

Cargos taken up by endocytosis or macropinocytosis typically end up in endosomes, where most of the active cargo is degraded through fusion with lysosomes. With xPhore™, the natural process of acidification breaks the bonds between the RNA and the peptide to disassemble the nanoparticle. The released peptide interacts with the endosomal membrane to permeabilize it and release the RNA into the cytoplasm. The peptide is then diluted quickly and broken down, and has been designed to cause no unintentional damage to the targeted cell.

Key Features

Our xPhore™ technology has been tested successfully with various RNA payloads in numerous murine disease models. Several key features of the nanoparticles have emerged from these studies:  

High biological stability
RNA complexed in nanoparticle format remains stable in the blood circulation and is only released inside of cells after uptake.

Extrahepatic delivery
The nanoparticles are not sequestered in the liver, but reach other tissues. This is driven by absence of lipids in the nanoparticle composition and the leaky vasculature present in diseased / inflamed tissues.

Efficient endosomal escape
RNA release rates from the endosome into the cytoplasm are substantially higher than those observed with other technologies such as lipid nanoparticles.

High selectivity
The nanoparticles can be administered systemically, but penetrate only diseased tissues.

No cellular or adaptive immune responsivity to nanoparticle components or RNA after multiple serial doses and no organ toxicities have been observed.

Storage and shipping stability
Refrigerated storage is feasible (i.e. no freezing require) and withstands shaking stress.

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